Aims and Scope

The journal "Kulturoznawczy Załącznik" is an online academic yearbook published at the Institute of Cultural and Religious Studies at the Faculty of Humanities of Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University in Warsaw. It publishes articles on cultural studies and related subjects (sociology, cultural anthropology, ethnography, media studies, literature studies, film studies, etc.). The journal publishes multilingual texts by independent and non-independent academics, and sometimes also by students of cultural studies (especially scientific articles, reports and communications, photo essays, interviews). The editorial staff cooperates with many research centres in Poland, and the Scientific Council of the journal, as well as the reviewers, includes foreign scholars.

The journal is published in open access: CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 PL
Authors publishing under the license are allowed by the journal to retain all rights.
"Cultural Studies Appendix" is included in the list of scientific journals and peer-reviewed conference proceedings of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education with 40 points.
PRIMARY VERSION DECLARATION: The primary version of "Cultural Studies Appendix" is the electronic (online) version.
ISSN: 2392-2338
INDEXATION: BazHum, CEJSH, ERIH PLUS, Index Copernicus

Cultural Studies Appendix is a fully peer reviewed (double blind review process), cultural studies, open-access, Polish scientific journal, published by Institute of Classical and Cultural Studies at Faculty of Humanities Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw (Poland). Original research articles, reports and book reviews that reflect the wide variety of research on cultures being carried out by scholars and students in all countries and from different disciplines (arts, humanities, social sciences) are welcomed.

The journal is published online in Polish, English, French, Italian and Spanish.

Articles submitted to the Cultural Studies Appendix should be original pieces of work, not been published before and not being considered for publication elsewhere in its final form either in printed or electronic form.

The editors do not charge authors any fees.

The Editors will consider translations of articles previously published in other languages, if they consider their publication in Polish relevant.
Cultural Studies Appendix is pubished under a Creative Commons license (CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 PL).

ISSN: 2392-2338
ISSN: (print): 2451-4233
The journal is closely linked to the series "Library of the Cultural Studies Appendix", edited by Brygida Pawłowska-Jądrzyk. The collection presents works from the fields of cultural and religious studies, with a particular focus on problems and phenomena related to contemporary transformations of textuality and research into the audiovisual culture.

INDEXING: BazHum, CEJSH, ERIH PLUS, Index Copernicus, DOAJ (click on the logo to redirect)

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